Saturday, December 25, 2010

My First Christmas Present


Hooray, I've received my 1st Christmas present from Uncle Irvin and Aunty Suxin. They knew the theme for my room is Winnie the Pooh, and they've got me a Winnie the Pooh musical mobile by TOMY. They've search high and low for this gift. And according to the Kiddy Palace staff, this is the only piece left in Singapore. Appreciate your effort.

Thank You Uncle Irvin and Aunty Suxin.

Thursday, December 9, 2010



My estimated fetal weight (eFW) is 1.1kg today (above the 90th percentile mark). Dr Irene Chua estimated my weight through the ultrasound scan, by measuring the circumference of my tummy (aka. Abdominal Circumference (AC)). And as the name implies, it's only a estimated weight and is subjected to errors. So am I overweight? Maybe yes, maybe no. However, this is not a cause for concern now, as different fetus develop differently. I may grow faster now and slow down in the 3rd trimester. Let's just wait for the next detailed scan.

For a better eFW, a 2 parameter formula may be adopted, and the formula can be found here. As daddy does not have the measurements on hand, he is unable to compute my eFW based on this formula. However, he does have these information at 21 weeks of gestation. And my eFW is 485g then, which is still slightly above the 90th percentile mark.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Room (Part 1)


Today, Daddy and Mummy started to decorate my room. So what's the theme for my room? It's Disney's Winnie the Pooh. First, it'll be the wall. Daddy source for some Winnie the Pooh wall decal from the internet and the shipment arrived today. I've got 2 walls with big Pooh, Tigger, Piglet and Eore on it. This is how it looks...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pregnancy: Weeks 21 - 27 | BabyCenter Video


Hi. This is how I will develop over the next 7 weeks (Week 21 - Week 27). The video is produced by BabyCenter and it's available from YouTube.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hear my heartbeat


The package arrived! Yes. the fetal heartbeat detector that Daddy bought from Ebay arrived in the mailbox today. Daddy got excited and quickly unpack the contents and tried to listen to my heartbeat.
Daddy was so excited that he did not even read the User Manual. He started placing the transducer all around Mummy's bump trying to find my heartbeat. Being playful, I hide myself from the ultrasound and make sure he doesn't hear my heartbeat. Haha. "Daddy, please read the User Manual before using any product". He soon gave up and read the User Manual. A gel (or water) is required as a coupling agent in order to effetively listen to my heartbeat. Since no gel is available at this point of time, Daddy wet Mummy's bump with water and try again. This time both of them could listen to my heartbeat. Does it sound like a galloping horse? Daddy counted my heartbeat, it's 157/minute. According to reports, the fetal heart rate is usually above 140/minute sometimes as high as 180. So it does sound like a galloping horse.

If Grandpa, Grandma, Uncles and Aunties want to hear my heartbeat, this is what they've heard.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Philips Carnival Sales


Daddy & Mummy went to the Philips Carnival Sales today. Their main aim is to get some AVENT products for me. This is what they've bought:
  1. Single Electronic Breast Pump Bundle (S$239)
  2. Electric Steam Sterilizer Bundle (S$125)
  3. PP Bottles Bundle (S$35)
  4. Disposable Breast Pads (S$12)
  5. No. 3 Teats (S$5)
  6. No. 4 Teats (S$5)
So is it worth to make a trip down to the Carnival sales from our home in the West? Yes, it's worth the trip. Daddy and Mummy saved approximately 40% off the Retail Price. On top of that, Daddy had used his Standard Chartered card with $100 credit given during the recent promotion. This means Daddy save another $100 from his pocket.

When they've reach home, Daddy and Mummy begin to worry after inspecting the Electronic Breast Pump. The plastics were yellow in colour. After clarification with the customer care from Philips, the model that they've bought is the BPA free model which is made of Polyethersulfone(PES). It's the PES material that gives the plastics a honey-colored tint. So it's not due to aging that turns a clear plastic yellowish.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Free Milk Samples for Mummy


Daddy and Mummy attended a talk today on "Nuturing your Child". This is a free workshop organised by KKH for it's antenatal programme participants. Prior to the workshop, there is a mini fair and buffet lunch. There were few booths giving out free milk samples to Mummies. These milk supplements include:

Dumex : Mamil Mama
Mead Johnson : Enfa Mama
Royal FrieslandCampina : FrisoMum
For mummies out there looking for free samples, you can also try the following websites:

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pregnancy: Weeks 15 - 20 | BabyCenter Video


Hi, I'm officially in the Second Trimester. This is how I will develop over the next 6 weeks (Week 15 - Week 20). The video is produced by BabyCenter and it's available from YouTube.

Monday, September 20, 2010

My first visit to The Private Suite (TPS)


Today is my first visit to The Private Suite (TPS). The environment is condusive and the waiting time is very short in comparison to the normal outpatient clinics at KKH. There's also free Milo for Daddy and Mummy.
This is also the first time we're seeing Dr Irene Chua. Trying to impress her, I showed her some self-taught "Kung Fu" punches through the ultrasound. Then she commented, "See, the baby is very active!". She's seeing only my back view. I should have turn around to show her more punches. Haha. After ensuring I was ok, she said everything is normal and prescribe some vitamins  for Mummy. Mummy was 'kiasu' and have bought 2 bottles of DHA (aka Fish Oil) capsules from GNC. Now, she'll have to put those aside and take the vitamins prescribed by the Doctor.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Shopping on Amazon


Daddy is convinced that BabyPlus is beneficial for my development. He being to source the web to purchase the system. Amazon is having a good deal as compared to the retail price in Singapore. And to take advantage of the shipping via vPOST, he bought some other items as well. The items bought from Amazon includes:
  1. BabyPlus
  2. BabyBjorn "Synergy" Carrier
  3. BabyBjorn Bibs
  4. Ultrasound - Music for the unborn child [CD]
  5. Build your Baby's Brain 1 [CD]
But Daddy made a mistake when calculating the shipping cost. Amazon ships the 5 items in a box with air bubble packing. And the volumetric weight of the box is 5kg, where the actual weight is only 2.3kg. This means that Daddy has to pay to ship 2.7kg of air back, since Vpost charges by volumetric weight. So the shipping cost is much more that expected. Daddy should have instructed Amazon to pack the items in the smallest box possible. So did Daddy save by shopping on Amazon and shipping back via Vpost? Yes, he did save about 25% off the retail price despite the higher than expected shipping cost. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Trimester Screnning (OSCAR)


Hi, I'm 11 weeks 5 days old today. Mummy went for the First Trimester Screening (FTS) or OSCAR which was offered to them during the last visit. Daddy and Mummy had chosen the Package B which includes the Blood tests and the Nuchal Translucency (NT) screening. As the sonographer tries to measure me, she explains what was shown on the monitor to Daddy and Mummy. Daddy and Mummy could even see my brain on that screen.
My Nuchal Translucency (NT) measures 1.2mm which is within the normal range given my Crown-Rump Length (CRL). Together with the blood samples taken earlier, the results from the screening for Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18 and Trisomy 13 reveal that I'm in the low risk zone for all these three Chromosomal disorder.

I'll be a healthy baby. So don't worry Daddy and Mummy!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pregnancy: Weeks 10 - 14 | BabyCenter Video


This is how I will develop over the next 5 weeks (Week 10 - Week 14). The video is produced by BabyCenter and it's available from YouTube.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dating Scan


Today, Daddy and Mummy went for a dating scan. The objective of this scan is to determine how many weeks is Mummy pregnant and also to estimate the day I'll leave Mummy's womb.

Daddy and Mummy had a first look at my heartbeat on the monitor today. I'm exactly 9 weeks old today and I'm approximately 2 centimeters long from crown to rump. The estimated delivery date (or EDD) is in March 2011. Dr Loi also said everything was fine for both Mummy and me.

Mummy also got recruited into a research programme today. Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes (GUSTO) is a research programme which aims to study how diet, lifestyle and genes relate to babies’ growth and development. So in some way, Mummy and I will be contributing to this research which could possible benefit the future generation. I'm so happy, I'm already doing a good deed before I was born.

In the next few weeks, my fingers, feet and vital organs will develop. So stay tune for the next ultrasound photo to see how I've develop.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Pregnancy: Weeks 1-9 | BabyCenter Video


Below is a video showing how I will develop from Week 1 - 9. The video is produced by BabyCenter and it's available from YouTube.

My First Entry


Hi, this is my first entry. I've started this blog to share my journey into this world. Today, Mummy went for a check up at KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH) to confirm her pregnacy (or to confirm if I do exist, Hehe..). Daddy had a oral presentation as part of his confirmation exercise for his PhD candidature, so he couldn't accompany mummy for the check-up. What a pity! He couldn't have a first look at "tiny" me.

Dr Loi confirmed that the zygote (or commonly known as the fertilised egg) has implants itself onto the Endometrium (a membrane of the Uterus). In the next few weeks, the embryo will continue to develop and I'll soon be a fetus.

Don't worry Mummy! Let me develop and grow.