Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pregnancy: Weeks 15 - 20 | BabyCenter Video


Hi, I'm officially in the Second Trimester. This is how I will develop over the next 6 weeks (Week 15 - Week 20). The video is produced by BabyCenter and it's available from YouTube.

Monday, September 20, 2010

My first visit to The Private Suite (TPS)


Today is my first visit to The Private Suite (TPS). The environment is condusive and the waiting time is very short in comparison to the normal outpatient clinics at KKH. There's also free Milo for Daddy and Mummy.
This is also the first time we're seeing Dr Irene Chua. Trying to impress her, I showed her some self-taught "Kung Fu" punches through the ultrasound. Then she commented, "See, the baby is very active!". She's seeing only my back view. I should have turn around to show her more punches. Haha. After ensuring I was ok, she said everything is normal and prescribe some vitamins  for Mummy. Mummy was 'kiasu' and have bought 2 bottles of DHA (aka Fish Oil) capsules from GNC. Now, she'll have to put those aside and take the vitamins prescribed by the Doctor.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Shopping on Amazon


Daddy is convinced that BabyPlus is beneficial for my development. He being to source the web to purchase the system. Amazon is having a good deal as compared to the retail price in Singapore. And to take advantage of the shipping via vPOST, he bought some other items as well. The items bought from Amazon includes:
  1. BabyPlus
  2. BabyBjorn "Synergy" Carrier
  3. BabyBjorn Bibs
  4. Ultrasound - Music for the unborn child [CD]
  5. Build your Baby's Brain 1 [CD]
But Daddy made a mistake when calculating the shipping cost. Amazon ships the 5 items in a box with air bubble packing. And the volumetric weight of the box is 5kg, where the actual weight is only 2.3kg. This means that Daddy has to pay to ship 2.7kg of air back, since Vpost charges by volumetric weight. So the shipping cost is much more that expected. Daddy should have instructed Amazon to pack the items in the smallest box possible. So did Daddy save by shopping on Amazon and shipping back via Vpost? Yes, he did save about 25% off the retail price despite the higher than expected shipping cost. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Trimester Screnning (OSCAR)


Hi, I'm 11 weeks 5 days old today. Mummy went for the First Trimester Screening (FTS) or OSCAR which was offered to them during the last visit. Daddy and Mummy had chosen the Package B which includes the Blood tests and the Nuchal Translucency (NT) screening. As the sonographer tries to measure me, she explains what was shown on the monitor to Daddy and Mummy. Daddy and Mummy could even see my brain on that screen.
My Nuchal Translucency (NT) measures 1.2mm which is within the normal range given my Crown-Rump Length (CRL). Together with the blood samples taken earlier, the results from the screening for Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18 and Trisomy 13 reveal that I'm in the low risk zone for all these three Chromosomal disorder.

I'll be a healthy baby. So don't worry Daddy and Mummy!