Saturday, December 25, 2010

My First Christmas Present


Hooray, I've received my 1st Christmas present from Uncle Irvin and Aunty Suxin. They knew the theme for my room is Winnie the Pooh, and they've got me a Winnie the Pooh musical mobile by TOMY. They've search high and low for this gift. And according to the Kiddy Palace staff, this is the only piece left in Singapore. Appreciate your effort.

Thank You Uncle Irvin and Aunty Suxin.

Thursday, December 9, 2010



My estimated fetal weight (eFW) is 1.1kg today (above the 90th percentile mark). Dr Irene Chua estimated my weight through the ultrasound scan, by measuring the circumference of my tummy (aka. Abdominal Circumference (AC)). And as the name implies, it's only a estimated weight and is subjected to errors. So am I overweight? Maybe yes, maybe no. However, this is not a cause for concern now, as different fetus develop differently. I may grow faster now and slow down in the 3rd trimester. Let's just wait for the next detailed scan.

For a better eFW, a 2 parameter formula may be adopted, and the formula can be found here. As daddy does not have the measurements on hand, he is unable to compute my eFW based on this formula. However, he does have these information at 21 weeks of gestation. And my eFW is 485g then, which is still slightly above the 90th percentile mark.